Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Stroke of Luck by Opal Carew ~ Book Review with Excerpt


The newest erotic romance from bestselling author Opal Carew, Stroke of Luck.

Good things do come in threes.

April Smith’s luxurious Las Vegas wedding crashed and burned when her wealthy fiancΓ© cheated on her and left her with a hotel bill that costs more than she makes in a year. Even more humiliating, her college ex-boyfriend Quinn Taylor has come to her rescue and bailed her out. They didn’t part on the best of terms and never expected to see one another again.

For Quinn, April was the one who got away and despite the heartache she caused him, he’s never gotten over her. Not wanting to be in his debt, April makes Quinn a tempting offer: she’ll spend the next month with him during his Vegas vacation, fulfilling his fantasies. Being with April has always been Quinn’s number one fantasy, and next on the list is sharing a woman with his best friend and business partner, Austin Wright. Since he can see an undeniable attraction between April and Austin, he makes that a condition of their deal, too.

Enjoying the attention and affection from two hot and handsome men, April gives in to her desires to be with both of them. But with those desires comes a growing love that she fears may force her to choose between Quinn and Austin—or lose them both.


Chapter 1


April was close to tears as she sat all alone on the cushioned bench in the elegant sitting area right outside the second-largest penthouse suite in the new luxury hotel in Las Vegas.

Today was her wedding day. An hour from now, she should be walking down the aisle wearing the designer gown her fiancΓ©, Maurice, had bought for her, her hair coiled into an elegant updo, her face beaming with happiness.

But instead she sat here, with the head of hotel security standing a few feet behind her to ensure she didn’t take off, as hotel staff went through her room packing up her stuff. She didn’t know exactly what was going to happen after this, but the next stop would be the manager’s office. When she explained she really had no way to pay the huge bill, she was sure she’d be thrown in jail.

She stared at the checkout statement in her hand. The penthouse suite cost more for one night than a monthly mortgage payment on her town house, and the amount for the entire rehearsal dinner was included on the bill. The final total was more than she made in a year.

Maurice had also charged some purchases from the gift shop to the room. She was sure the staff were looking for those items to return to the store. One was a very expensive diamond tennis bracelet, and there were a few other pieces of jewelry.

They wouldn’t find them, though, because he hadn’t bought any of that jewelry for her.

Tears prickled at her eyes as an unwelcome image rippled through her mind. Of last night when she’d gone looking for Maurice and walked into the private hospitality suite the hotel had provided near the ballroom.

She’d found him. He’d been fucking a busty blond bombshell at the time.

And the woman had been wearing a diamond tennis bracelet.

Instead of being apologetic, Maurice had snapped at her to get out. April had backed away, shocked, then turned and run to the elevator. She’d gone right to their suite.

Maurice had shown up an hour later, then banged on the bedroom door, which she’d locked. He’d said they should be adults about this. That when she was his wife he would provide for her well, and she should accept that he’d have the odd affair on the side.

She’d told him to go to hell.

He’d pounded hard on the door with his fist, terrifying her, but finally he’d left. She still quaked inside at the memory of his fury. She’d never seen him like that. It was like she didn’t really know the man. Which she realized now was true. She’d never truly known him, despite the fact they’d dated for two years. He had always been charming and sophisticated, if a little distant, but that just seemed to be his nature. He’d always been generous with her, helping her in her career and life choices. Grooming her to be his wife.

Now she realized he wanted an appropriate wife on his arm while he fucked whatever tramp he wanted on the side.

Which told her she had never meant anything to him. It had been an act, and she’d fallen for it. All because of her need to be loved. To be the most important person in the world to someone. And she’d believed that someone was Maurice.

Her heart clenched.

She’d been such a fool.

This was the worst day of her life.

She glanced up, and her heart stopped. Oh, God, and it had just gotten worse.

Continue reading the excerpt here: https://opalcarew.com/books/stroke-of-luck/

And she's back! I have enjoyed Opal Carew's books in the past but the last couple fell a little flat that is until this one because it is exactly what I was hoping for from her. 

April Smith and Quinn Taylor had a relationship in college but she called things off and started dating Maurice Dubious who she was planning on marrying. Only things didn't exactly turn out the way they should have when she found him cheating on her the night before they were to say I DO.

 Quinn and Austin Wright, Business partners and friends, are in Vegas taking a much needed vacation after a big project they were working on was completed when Quinn runs into April who broke his heart years earlier.

Quinn helps April out of a tough spot and you could tell not only that he still had feelings for her but she did as well. I loved the chemistry between April and both men. Opal did a wonderful job with this story and I hope to see more of this type of writing from her in the future.

If you enjoy steamy menage contemporary romances with a second chance at love element I would recommend this book to you.

Happy Reading!!!

**I have voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Readers Copy of this book for my Blog, Nadine's Obsessed with Books**

Author Bio

OPAL CAREW is the author of more than twenty erotic romances for St. Martin’s Press including My Best Friend's Stepfather and Nailed. She lives in Canada and makes regular trips to the U.S. to speak at conferences and industry events.

Author Links

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