Thursday, January 23, 2020

Over the Top (Winter Games #5) by Rebecca Sharp ~ Book Review with Excerpt and GIVEAWAY

Over the Top by Rebecca Sharp is LIVE! #OneClick today!


From bestselling author, Dr. Rebecca Sharp, comes a sexy, winter sports romance with a flurry of suspense that will heat up the slopes and keep you on your toes ...


Ice Princess. Cold Queen.

The best skier in the world who only cares about winning.

It’s what the media claims. It’s what I let everyone believe.

My fiancΓ©’s betrayal taught me not to care about anything except the mountain. Especially not men. Or love.

Kyle Masters was only supposed to be a distraction.

A one night wonder before the Alpine Ski World Cup.

It doesn’t matter if I can’t stop thinking about him.

He wants more. I see it in his eyes.

He wants to be my White Knight.

Too bad for him I don’t need saving.


Everything in my life was great.

Great job. Great friends. And the great alone.

Who would’ve thought it would be so hard

to find a woman who wanted a serious relationship?

And serious was the last thing Jaclyn Blanchard wanted from me. Or so she says.

But after one night, she’s mistaken if she thinks I’ll give up on my stubborn Cinderella.

Especially when danger lurks on the mountain.

She wants more. I see it in her eyes.

But she hides her warm heart behind a frozen shield.

Too bad the Ice Princess can’t help but melt under my touch.


Amazon Universal:

Winter Games series:

πŸ’œUp in the Air (Book 1):

🧑On the Edge (Book 2) is FREE:

πŸ’šEnjoy the Ride (Book 3):

πŸ’™In Too Deep (Book 4):

πŸ’—Over the Top (Book 5):

OVER THE TOP is the fifth and final book in the WINTER GAMES SERIES, I have only read only one other book in this series so I can confidently say that this can be read as a standalone. I have all the book on my every growing TBR shelf but I do plan on reading each and every one of them because they are such fun reads. 
This book is the story of Jaclyn, Ice Princess, Blanchard and Kyle Masters an unlikely duo but their chemistry is spot on. She can freeze you out with just a look and he cares for everyone around him. But as you can guess there is much more to Jac's story then meets the eye and I had fun watching Kyle melt her little by little as she got to know him.

While everyone called Jac the Ice Princess, Kyle insisted she was Cinderella...and he was her Prince Charming. Or maybe Princess Leia and Han Solo? If you are a fan of Star Wars you will enjoy all the references made to the various movies and characters, I personally never watched an entire one although my husband and kids occasionally hold Star Wars marathons and watch every movie made in the order they should be watch and not when they were released so I knew some of the references but not all. That being said, it didn't take anything away from the story but, I think it would make it more fun for a fan of the movies.

I hope you give this book and this series a try especially if you enjoy Sports Romances, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Happy Reading!!!


To celebrate the release of Over the Top, Dr. Rebecca Sharp is giving away a $25 Amazon gift card. Head to her Facebook page to enter:


“You’re not calling a cab,” he bit out.

“Why not?”

“Because I can drive you.”

My spine straightened, immediately going into defense mode. “You don’t have to do that. I’m a big girl, I can most certainly call a cab.”

My gasp was swallowed by his mouth as his lips crushed down on mine, his tongue demanding and possessive inside my mouth. If I hadn’t been staring at those lips for the past two hours, I swore I wouldn’t have given in quite so easily.

“Jac, I don’t care how big or small you are,” he rasped against my mouth, biting my lower lip in between words. “I don’t care if you’re Navy SEAL or a ninja. Heck, I don’t even care if you’re a Jedi and you’ve got a lightsaber holstered to your side, I’m not letting you get in a cab alone. So, you can sass me all you want but unless you’re planning on knocking me out, the only cab you’re getting in is the one in my truck, and that’s all I’m gonna say about it.”

Feeling a thousand emotions I was afraid to describe, I blinked in shock as he stalked off to grab his gear and say goodnight to his bandmates.

I didn’t know why I argued with him. I didn’t want to argue with him, but this was me. Independent. Alone. I didn’t rely on anyone, especially a man, because the last time that happened, Evan had turned me into the kind of person I despised and then went and betrayed me for it.


I was sorely tempted to knock him out just for the heck of it, but I really needed him to kiss me again and those things were mutually exclusive.

With a nod, I stood, my black leather pants from the first night we met sticking slightly to the faux leather cushion. I’d opted for another Star Wars tee that I knotted in front of my stomach to make it look vintage fashionable instead of the easy, comfortable pick that it was.

He held the door open even with all the gear in his hands and let me walk out of the building first. My steps slowed sensing his gaze was on my butt. I wanted his gaze on me. I wanted his eyes everywhere because they felt like when the sun comes out from behind the clouds on a cool spring day and you can feel the heat immediately as it bloomed every cell to attention.

I craved the warmth, no matter what it was doing to my frozen walls.

He reached around me and grabbed the passenger door to hold it open and I couldn’t stop my mouth from smarting, “I know how to open a door.”

He waited until I was seated before leaning partially through the frame to reply, “Never said you didn’t, Jac. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should – especially when you’re with me.”

My mouth opened but the door closing had me shut it again.

Whatever. He could have his Charming-complex, I thought with an eye-roll even as my heart thudded harder in my chest, enjoying far too much being around a man who wanted to take care of me.

I turned my head to Kyle when I realized that we were both now sitting in a truck that was running but not moving.

“Didn’t want to interrupt,” he explained, his eyes searching mine like he could see what I was thinking. “Where to?”

My lips parted but Marissa’s address lodged in my throat.

I didn’t want to go back to the apartment. I wanted more time with the man who insisted on holding my coat and driving me home and opening doors. I wanted one more night with Prince Charming before this whole spell ended.

“I’m not giving you my address,” I said smoothly, running my palms over my thighs before crossing my arms in front of me. “In case you turn out to be a stalker.”

“Me?” he asked incredulously. “You’re the one who made me take you to my apartment. You’re the one who showed up at my place of work. And you’re the one who was at my show tonight. Maybe you’re the stalker.”

I glared at him, especially when I saw the smile tugging at the corner of his lips. I should just give him the address now. I should, but I wouldn’t because I wasn’t ready to let go of this night I’d been thinking about all week.

“Not a stalker,” I said, pretending to examine my teal nails. “Just unlucky.”

He chuckled. “So, is this your way of forcing me to take you back to my place again?”

“Oh no.” I shook my head. “I could show you what forcing you would be…”

His deeper laugh was drowned out as he put the truck in gear and pulled out of the lot. Even though I’d only been to his apartment once, the roads there felt like they were engraved in my brain, like an address of sorts – the one I needed to remember in order to get home.

“So, what do you do when you aren’t training or on the mountain?” he asked as we passed over the lamp-lit streets of Aspen, flurries trickling down from the sky.

“Why? Wondering what my plans are once I retire?” I said it lightly, but the way he looked at me was anything but.

“I’m not a reporter, Jac. I’m not asking to try to get the inside scoop on your life or your future. Just want to know about you, that’s all.”

I shrunk back against the seat, knowing I had responded defensively. What else was I supposed to do? That’s all they ever wanted to know. Hobbies to try and speculate what would happen to me when my career was over, anything to try and make me feel vulnerable, to remind me that I couldn’t keep the gold forever.

If there was one thing I’d learned about the public, it was that their fascination to see you rise was only surpassed by their twisted desire to witness your fall.

“I like to watch movies. Especially during the season, it’s easy… and doesn’t require me to leave the house.” I laughed, toying with the knot on my shirt. “I like to make juice, too. It’s allowed on my training diet, so I experiment. Sometimes, I pretend like I’m testing out different flavors to create a menu for my own juice bar.”

“Jac’s Juice?” he asked with a smile.

“Something like that…” He laughed and then so did I, our eyes meeting somewhere in the middle of something neither of us had been expecting.

If my lip was made of thinner stuff, I would have chewed a hole through it in the last few minutes it took to navigate to the parking lot of Kyle’s building. He sent me a glare when I opened my own door to get out of the truck but still managed to grab all his gear and hold every other door that we encountered on the way up to the twelfth floor.

It felt strange to see a place for the second time. My rule was always one night. And that meant one impression of the place before I forgot about it and moved on. This time, I noticed the same things as I did the last, but wondered about them more.

“What’s that for?” he asked, coming to stand in front of me.


“The look on your face,” he said, a large warm hand cupped my cheek. I felt every inch of it, right down to the calloused fingertips that came from plucking the strings on his guitar. I felt every cell on the hands that made me feel warm and safe and cherished in ways I knew could kill me if I found out they were false. Again. “What are you thinking about? What hurts?”

“Nothing.” I turned away again and moved toward the couch.

I heard him growl, his footsteps coming up quickly behind my retreating form.

“What are you running from?” he demanded, reaching for me and turning me to face him.

I should’ve fought him, but I was tired of pushing him away.

Maybe I could have more than one night with him… for just a little while…

“What everyone runs from,” I seethed, stepping into him and pressing myself flush against his interrogating hardness. “Anything that can destroy you.”

His head dipped down and my lips tingled in anticipation, but his mouth didn’t come for mine.

“Well, that’s not me, Jac,” he said softly, instead pressing a kiss to my forehead. “I’m not here to destroy you.” Another kiss on the side of my cheekbone this time. “I’m not here to hurt you.” A gentle brush of his lips on the tip of my nose. “I’m just here for you.”


Dr. Rebecca Sharp, while using a pen name, is actually a doctor living in Pennsylvania with her husband - the love of her life.

She enjoys working in her practice with her father as well as letting her creativity run free as an author. Growing up she's always loved a good love story and finally decided to give writing one of her own a go.

After graduating with her doctoral degree, she now enjoys spending that thing called free time traveling with her husband, cooking, and knitting.



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