Saturday, October 19, 2019

Broken Trust (Devastation Duet #2) by Winter Paige ~ Book Review

#BookReview #TBR #excerpt #giveawaway #DevastationDuet #AvailableNow #MustRead #DarkRomance #excerpt #RomanticSuspense #BookLovers #Bookaholic #bookblogger #blogpost

Title: Broken Trust
Author: Winter Paige
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Cover Designer: Melissa Teo
Publication Date: October 15th, 2019

When her father’s past tore apart her future, Eliana realized that sometimes the darkness wins, no matter how hard you fight. Taking back her life, she’s decided it's time to end this…
Even if it ends her.

Buy Links:

Broken Trust is only .99 for the weekend

Shattered Lies, Devastation Duet Book 1
Amazon US
Amazon CA
Amazon UK

Broken Trust, Devastation Duet Book 2

Signed books:
 (bundle runs through Wednesday)

Winter Paige is quickly becoming a must read author for me, two books released and both five star reads. Love triangle, Suspense, Action, Erotic, Dark, Forbidden Love, all that rolled into one amazing read!

Broken Trust picks up where Shattered Lies left off, this book is book two in a duet and must be read in order, and let me tell you I couldn't believe what was taking place. NO SPOILERS will be given but I can tell you that this book had my emotions all over the place. I was happy that Eliana was trying to move on with her life even though it was hard, I was nearly destroyed when one particular scene happened - I cried like a baby for a while so much so that I had to put the book down and drink some water to help compose myself.

Winter Paige not only did a wonderful job with this duet making me fall in love with all of the key players but I have to admit I fell for all of the secondary characters as well. On her Facebook fan page she had asked if readers were #TeamCostin or #TeamJoshua because of the love triangle well I am #TEAMEVERYONE LOL

I cannot wait to read more of Winter Paige's work. If you are a fan of romantic suspense, dark romance, love triangles, or even just a lover of any type of romance book I urge you to grab a copy of this duet.

Happy Reading!!!

Excerpt from Broken Trust- Devastation Duet book 2

by Winter Paige

Night after night, I have sat alone. Night after night, I have nothing. No sunshine, no smiles, no laughter. Every emotion is painted on. My every move is faked. And I am done. In two days, I am set to wed Jaxx, and I have lost all hope of ever being free of my father’s lies. The truth may set me free, but too many of them want me locked away. I miss my time with Jonah… I miss my life before and hate this life enough to take my chances with what comes after.

Sliding my foot into my red Jimmy Choo peep toe, I turn to the mirror, taking in the thin girl staring back at me. She is beautiful. She is flawless. She is a mirage. She is destruction and chaos. She is poison. She is the ruin of all that is good.

“Who are you?” I take another long drink from the bottle dangling at my side as a single tear rolls down my cheek.

“I hate you! It’s all your fault!” I scream, throwing the heavy bottle at my trifold mirror and watching my reflection shatter before I crumble to the floor with a scream.

Buy Links:
Broken Trust is only .99 for the weekend

Shattered Lies, Devastation Duet Book 1
Amazon US
Amazon CA
Amazon UK

Broken Trust, Devastation Duet Book 2

About the Author:
Winter Paige is a budding author in the genre of dark romance.
Shattered Lies is her debut novel. Born in the Capital city of WV she enjoys reading, traveling, and producing audio books. She is obsessed with signed paperbacks. Winter lives with her husband, four children and a cat she despises … and is tormented daily by chickens.

Author Links:

Scheduled Appearances: 

Rebels N Readers November 2nd Huntington, WV
Book Bonanza 2020

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