Friday, October 2, 2020

Imagine With Me (With Me in Seattle #15) by Kristen Proby ~ Book Review with Excerpt


Imagine With Me by Kristen Proby is now live! 

From New York Times Bestselling author Kristen Proby, comes an all new novel in her beloved With Me In Seattle series!

Shawn O'Callaghan loves his job as a screenwriter almost as much as he loves his family. But this latest project could quite possibly test his patience beyond anything he's ever had to endure. Generally unflappable, the author he's thrown into the trenches with pushes every button he has. Sometimes twice. And it doesn't help that he can't stop thinking about her in ways that are anything but professional. But how can he help it? The brunette is gorgeous beyond reason--and utterly infuriating.

Bestselling author Lexi Perry is finally about to leave her mark on the world; after all, seeing her dark and dangerous words brought to life is a dream come true. Until she meets the man who is supposed to make that happen. From the minute they laid eyes on each other, it was clear there would be tension, but she had no idea how much until they got down to business. He obviously doesn't understand her vision. Though she's having trouble lately too, given all she can picture is what he looks like under his clothes and imagining what it would sound like if he talked dirty to her in that sexy Irish lilt of his.
If they can find a way to meet in the middle, this movie could be one for the ages. As could their love.

Download today on Amazon, Nook, Kobo, Apple!


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“What do you do, Lexi?”

“I’m a writer.”

Archer lifts a brow and turns to the man next to him. “Oh? Shawn’s also a writer. What do you write?”

“Novels,” I say and turn to the screenwriter, but he holds up a hand, stopping me.

 “I’m not here to entertain any new projects tonight,” Shawn says, immediately cutting me off.

He thinks I’m trying to network with him? To get him to read something I’ve written and further my career?

Well, screw him.

My face goes from friendly to cold in a heartbeat. Luke sighs.

This is a fantastic way to start this working relationship.

“That’s convenient,” I say, ice dripping from every damn word. “I’m not here to pitch a project to you, Mr. O’Callaghan. I know who you are, but it’s not terribly important to me. I do fine all on my own. Have a good night, gentlemen.”

I give a curt nod and turn away, my heels clicking on the hardwood floor as I make a hasty retreat.

I want to get out of here.

The audacity! What a jerk. I was already nervous about being here. Now, I get the disappointment of knowing I have to work with a conceited ass who’s clearly completely full of himself.


 I don’t turn around.


A hand lightly latches on to my elbow, and I turn to find Shawn staring down at me, his mouth set in a grim line.

 “I owe you an apology. I didn’t know you were Nora, the author I’ll be working with over the next few weeks.”

“If you’d known, you would have been polite?”

He winces. “Again, I apologize. It’s been a shit day, and I was trying to avoid work talk. Not my finest moment.”

“No.” I glance down at the elbow he’s still holding hostage. He lets go. “It wasn’t. Have a good evening, Mr. O’Callaghan. I’ll see you on Monday.”


But I don’t turn back. I know I’ll have cooled down by the time I see Shawn again. I won’t be embarrassed. My feet won’t be killing me.

For now, I want to hide.

I’m so far out of my comfort zone, I couldn’t find it with a map.

What happens when you put an Author and a Screenwriter together to transform her book into a movie? Magic! 

Lexi is finally seeing one of her books be turned into a movie but she hasn't given up full control. Lexi and the screenwriter, Shawn, will work together to bring her book to life. But when tempers flare will someone walk away or will they give in to the sexual tension that is hovering so heavy over them it's like a thick layer of fog?

I have been hopping in and out of this series at various times so I can say that each of these book can be read as a standalone but I will stress that they do revolve around different families and if you miss a book you may miss a brother, sister, or cousin's story which can be a bit of a spoiler. For me that meant I missed Shawn's brother Kane's story in DREAM WITH ME, but it is on my TBR shelf and I do plan on reading it at some point in the near future.

If you enjoy the Office Romance trope, or are just looking for a good Contemporary Romance with lots of steam I would recommend this book to you.

Happy Reading!!!

Meet Kristen

Kristen Proby has published more than forty titles, many of which have hit the USA Today, New York Times and Wall Street Journal Bestsellers lists. She continues to self publish, best known for her With Me In Seattle and Boudreaux series, and is also proud to work with William Morrow, a division of HarperCollins, with the Fusion and Romancing Manhattan Series.

Kristen and her husband, John, make their home in her hometown of Whitefish, Montana with their two cats.

Connect with Kristen





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