Monday, February 10, 2020

One-Eighty (Westover Prep #1) by Marie James ~ Book Review with GIVEAWAY

πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ NEW RELEASE πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

One-Eighty by Marie James is LIVE and FREE in KU!

A bully romance like no other! One Eighty is a whole new take on a trope that I have quite the love/hate relationship with and this book landed on MEGA love for me. I’m super picky when it comes to bully romance, I need to see and be able to actually feel the characters to be able to love a hero that has done so many truly atrocious things, but Marie James took that to a whole new level with Dalton. There’s a lot of heartbreak in their story, a lot of forgiving, a lot of growing up and every bit of it had me glued to the pages.” ~Red Hatter Book Blog

He loves what he can't remember —she can't forget the truth...

Arrogant, controlling, and an absolute jerk.
He's everything I loathe, and everything I want to forget.
But he doesn't remember a bit of it.
One accident, one misstep, changed everything.
Changed him.
Now, he's different and unbelievably sexy.
But I refuse to fall for a bully.

Sexy, smart, feisty, and perfect.
She's everything I want, and nothing that I remember.
What she says I am, I refuse to believe.
For her, I will be anything.
I will do anything.
Even destroy the bully from before.

Start reading ONE-EIGHTY today!

It's been a while since I read a YA romance (high school age MC's) and I can honestly say I have never read anything with the Bullying to the extreme it was taken to in this book. I enjoyed the story and the twist of Dalton loosing his memory and falling for the girl he lived to torment.

Normally the bullying is glossed over and mentioned that it had happened, you may get an incident or two but in this book it is full on bullying to the extreme where it was almost painful to keep reading because I felt so bad for Piper. Piper the sweet shy girl that lives next door to Dalton the creator of all of her torment. That is until the accident.

I never like to give spoilers but it's safe to say that Dalton was in a car accident where he is badly hurt and he looses so much of his memory he doesn't remember most of his life, so when he sees the beautiful girl next door he doesn't remember the way he treated her and doesn't understand why she hates him so much.

This story is about redemption and forgiveness. I think it was really well done but I will be honest there was a part that I totally disliked and thought was unnecessary to the extreme it was taken, but I do understand why the author went into the direction she did with it because of the shock value. For me personally I wish things played out a bit differently in that scene.

Marie James is a new-to-me author but after reading this book you bet I have my hand waving in the air saying pick me, pick me in hopes of receiving an Advanced Reviewers Copy of the next book in the series, Catch Twenty-Two, which is about Piper's best friend Frankie.

Happy Reading!!!

The author is giving away a signed hardback of One-Eighty, a $25 Amazon Gift Card, a Kindle Fire 7, a journal, and a Victoria Secret fragrance set. Open US only.
Stop over on her Facebook page to enter:

Marie James is a USA Today Bestselling Author of contemporary romance. She's book boyfriend crazy, the mother of two rowdy boys, and a wife of 15+ years. She's obsessed with tacos, otters, and FunCo Pops figures. Born, raised, and still living in central Texas, Marie spends most of her time locked away writing and reading.


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