Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Catch Twenty-Two (Westover Prep #2) by Marie James ~ Cover Reveal with Excerpt and GIVEAWAY

πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ COVER REVEAL πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

The BEAUTIFUL cover for Catch Twenty-Two is here! This is book 2 in the Westover Prep series by Marie James. Catch Twenty-Two is releasing on March 23rd... Get ready for Frankie and Zeke’s story! Enjoy a sneak peek into the book below.

Cover designed by:

He can't stand anything about her, but can't keep his hands off of her.

I wasn't looking for him.
He found me.
With his sexy smirk and irresistible body.
I wanted nothing to do with someone like him.
Judgmental and brooding.
So full of himself.
But now, I'm stuck playing the fool.
Falling for him.
And losing it all.
If only for one night.

Stuffy, rich, entitled.
The kind of girl that gets what she wants.
When she wants it.
And I want nothing to do with her.
Yet, I can't stay away.
I'm drawn to her kindness and compassion.
Her beauty.
She holds me when the pain won't subside.
And now, if I can help it, I'm going to hold on to her…


Catch up on the series and start reading book 1, One-Eighty, and find out why readers are loving the Westover Prep series!

I don’t know a dang thing about farms or crops or smelly animals. Westover isn’t exactly urban, but since it’s in the center of Colorado, we have mountains and steep upgrades rather than mooing cows and clucking chickens running around.

Looking out the window only increases my annoyance. Other than a small house about a quarter of a mile away, there’s nothing but fields dotted with cattle as far as I can see. I can only imagine what it’s going to smell like around here when the temperatures increase.

I’m supposed to be up here resting, per Nan’s instructions, but sleep is the last thing on my mind. I’ve been here less than two hours, and I’m already bored out of my mind. An entire summer of doing nothing is going to be the death of me. I cringe with the thought, knowing just how lucky Piper is to have survived the crash. Tears sting the back of my eyes as a heavy sense of helplessness settles in my bones.

I’m considering taking a nap just to pass the time when an old pickup truck turns into Nan’s front gate, making its way down the winding dirt drive. Kicking up dust as it nears the house, the truck turns toward the barn rather than pulling up directly in front of the house.

“Thank God for small favors,” I mutter.

The last thing I’m in the mood for is meeting people. I know it’s going to happen sooner or later because Nan mentioned introducing me to a hoard of folks on the drive back from the airport. The entire town has been awaiting my arrival if I go by her excitement of me being here. Clearly, she’s been anticipating my visit and telling everyone who will listen.

My jaw practically unhinges when the passenger door opens.

“What do we have here?” I mumble, taking a step closer to the window for a better look.

The hottest guy we have at Westover Prep is Dalton Payne, but he’s the biggest jerk that walks the earth, hateful and vicious in his dislike of Piper and me.

Dalton has nothing on the dark-haired, boot-wearing stranger climbing out of the truck. Even from fifty yards away, his strong jaw and wide shoulders are the stuff fantasies are made of. Maybe my forced visit to Utah won’t be so bad. If I can’t go home to be with my best friend, at least I’ll have this guy to look at in the interim.

As if he can feel my eyes on him, the stranger turns his head, finding me standing in the window gawking at him. My first instinct is to dart away and hide behind the thick curtains, but his eyes are on me before I manage to move. I’m locked in his stare, unable to pull my eyes from his.

Like a bumbling idiot, I raise my hand and give him a quick wave. It’s something I’d never do back home, but Utah is different from Colorado. Nan assured me the people who live around here are hardworking, gracious, and kind. I’ve never found much of that back in Westover, especially not walking down the hallways of school.

This guy mustn’t have gotten that memo because instead of waving back or tossing a simple smile my way, his lips turn down in a sneer. He’s all the way across the yard, and I can still feel the hatred rolling off of him as he glares at me.

In return, I narrow my own eyes. I’m no stranger to hate-filled stares. I’ve spent the better part of my life hiding in the shadows, keeping to myself, and doing my best to stay off the radar of the spiteful people I go to school with, but it’s unnerving that even hundreds of miles away, this stranger seems to feel exactly the same way about me.

He doesn’t pull his eyes from me until the man driving the truck yells to get his attention. When he turns his face away, only then can I move, as if some connection has been broken.

I’m not one to focus on the bad things in life, having a defeatist attitude is a waste of time, but the malicious look that guy just gave me is making me want to reconsider my stance.

Anger and agitation settle inside of me. I haven’t been here long, but I don’t imagine there will be many people around that are close to my age, yet I’m not surprised. Of course the handsome guy helping on the farm would hate me at first sight. From experience, I know my tiny, pixie-like frame isn’t exactly what guys are looking for. Guys want girls with big breasts, tiny waists, and hips they can grip when—

I clear my throat as I turn from the window, refusing to let self-deprecating thoughts back into my head. I promised myself I’d be different this summer, and I’m sticking to it. Who cares if one guy on this stupid farm doesn’t like me? That doesn’t mean there aren’t other people I can make friends with. Nan mentioned a sweet boy named Ezekiel that she wanted to introduce me to, and I bet he’s even better to look at than the jerk at the barn. Besides, looks aren’t everything. Kindness and common decency go a long way in making someone appealing, and in reverse, a bad attitude and lack of compassion can make the most gorgeous guy hideous.

Refusing to let one stupid boy make me feel bad about myself, I lie down on the bed, taking Nan up on her suggestion for a nap. With any luck, when I wake up, he’ll be gone, and I’ll never have to look at him again.

The author is giving away a $10 Amazon GC on her Facebook page. Please direct readers here to enter --->

Marie James is a USA Today Bestselling Author of contemporary romance. She's book boyfriend crazy, the mother of two rowdy boys, and a wife of 15+ years. She's obsessed with tacos, otters, and FunCo Pops figures. Born, raised, and still living in central Texas, Marie spends most of her time locked away writing and reading.


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