Getting Hot with the Scot
(Sometimes in Love #1)
by Melonie Johnson
The first in a new series, a journalist focused on her career and a sexy Scottish comedian turn a one night stand into forever.
Cassie Crow leaves for vacation with two goals: fill up her empty charm bracelet and have a one night stand. For once, she wants to have fun instead of obsessively checking her work email. And kissing a man in a castle who’s dressed as a Scottish Highlander is the perfect solution.
Except when that man turns out to be Logan Reid, the host of a popular sketch show—and Cassie has just been roped into his latest prank. She wants nothing to do with his antics, but that was a really great kiss, and one night together couldn’t hurt.
It’s clear that one night isn’t enough and when Logan’s show brings him closer to Cassie, they decide to give dating a try. Can the woman who’s focused solely on her career and the man who refuses to take life seriously make it work?
Cassie Crow and four of her friends are off to Europe for a trip of a lifetime, each of them have chosen a destination they would love to visit after graduating from college and now, five years later their dream has become a reality.
Logan is a jokester, he makes his living by pranking people and uploading it onto YouTube but now he has a chance to further his career with a television show in America, and an unknowing Cassie walks right into his trap.
I haven't laughed this hard in a LOOOOONNNNGGG time! There were parts that I was afraid I would choke on the drink I was drinking or worse spit it out all over the person seated next to me. The laughs were just one part that made this book a great read, the chemistry between Logan and Cassie was the other. These two couldn't keep their hands off one another, and honestly with a man in a kilt who could blame Cassie.
This was a fun, sweet, and sexy read that had me wanting to get to know each of the secondary characters more. I am sooooo looking forward to reading the rest of the series. Great start to Melonie Johnson's debut into Contemporary Romance!
Happy Reading!!!
Nadine Bookaholic: Do you listen to music while writing? Does it influence the flow of the scene you are writing?
Melonie Johnson: I do like to listen to music while writing. Depending on my mood and the type of scene I’m working on, sometimes I prefer instrumental music. When that’s the case, my go to is VSQ (Vitamin String Quartet). They do AMAZING renditions of everything from classic music to soundtracks to modern pop tunes. I also create a playlist for each book. Because the SOMETIMES IN LOVE series releases back-to back-to back, inevitably I found myself working on some element of all three books simultaneously. Having the different playlists helped ground me within the story. It put me in the right headspace for those characters.
Nadine Bookaholic: What did you enjoy most about writing this book?
Melonie Johnson: Because GETTING HOT WITH THE SCOT is my debut, I worked on this book for a long time prior to selling, which meant writing without specific deadlines or expectations. I had plenty of time to explore and play. I enjoyed several aspects of writing this book (writing about a hot Scot is not a hardship, you ken?), but I think the most fun I had were the scenes between the five friends. Getting those conversations and interactions down on paper was like being a part of the party. Like having a GNO in my head.
Nadine Bookaholic: Why should we read ..... and what sets it apart from the rest? What makes your book unique?
Melonie Johnson: I think anyone looking for a fun escape should read GETTING HOT WITH THE SCOT. It is a bit of wish fulfillment full of armchair tourism and delicious banter. I think what makes this book unique is the playful twist on common tropes. In some ways, this story is a love letter to romance novels, with lots of affectionate nods and a few snarky winks too.
Nadine Bookaholic: If you could / wished to turn ...... into a movie, who would be your dream team?
Melonie Johnson: It would be such a wild, fun ride to see this story play out on the big or small screen! A romantic comedy, I can easily picture real life hot Scot Richard Madden playing Logan, and Zoey Deutch playing Cassie.
Nadine Bookaholic: To get to know you a little bit better... do you have a pet or something that is special to you that you could share with us?
Melonie Johnson: We have a shelter dog named Franny (short for Francesca, but we never call her that). A Catahoula Leopard dog mixed with who knows what, she is a big girl. More like a small horse, really. On the days when I’m home writing, it is often just Franny and me, and it’s nice to have the companionship (and she does an excellent job terrorizing anyone who dares knock on the door). I also get most of my “reading time” in listening to audiobooks while walking her. Currently I’m listening to AT THE STROKE OF MIDNIGHT by Tara Sivec and am about to start the audiobook for THE DUKE I TEMPTED by SCARLETT PECKHAM next.
I have the pleasure of sharing not one but TWO excerpts with you! The first one is of the audiobook and starts right at the beginning of the book, Excerpt two is for your reading pleasure this is where Cassie meets Logan for the first time and OH MY!!!!
Would you look at that? The man is wearing a kilt.
Note to self: Cassie Crow—be careful what you wish for.
The man groaned again and raised a hand to shield his eyes from the sunlight now cutting across the hidden alcove.
“Are you all right?”
“I will be fine once ye douse that blasted light.” He squinted up at her. “Be ye a new chambermaid?”
Chambermaid? She eyed the wide sleeves and open neck of the old-fashioned piratey shirt he wore. “Not sure what kind of weird-ass stuff you’re into buddy, but I don’t do RPG.”
“Weird . . . ass?” His dark red brows drew together as he shaped his mouth around the letters. “Are pee gee?”
“Role playing games. You know, like cosplay or what- ever.” She pointed at him. “Look, you’re the one wearing that get-up and talking like a reject from Macbeth.”
He narrowed his eyes at her finger. “Be ye a witch?” “What did you call me?”
With another groan, he lurched forward. Oh God, what if he was hurt? For all she knew he was a member of some historic castle tour who got lost in a back passageway and hit his head. She leaned down to inspect him for bruises.
He threw a hand out, palm up, warding her off. “Back away, sorceress,” he hissed.
“Seriously?” She slapped his hand out of the way. “Here, let me help you out of there.” Cassie tugged gently on his shoulder. The voluminous shirt was loose, but she could feel—and appreciate—the thick spread of muscle beneath the soft fabric.
Just my luck, I finally run into a hot Highlander, and he’s delusional.
The man waved off her assistance and struggled to his feet, shaking a wild tousle of thick, red hair out of his eyes. Cassie never fancied herself to be a ginger girl, but it worked on him . . . or maybe that was the kilt talking. She eyed the swath of plaid fabric wrapped around his hips and wondered, like any female in her position would, what might or might not be under there. Reluctantly, she raised her gaze and caught him scrutinizing her in return.
“What be these strange breeks ye wear?” he asked, moving in a circle around her.
Cassie swore she could feel the weight of each of his eyeballs resting on her denim-clad backside. Fair enough. After a prolonged moment, she glanced over her shoulder. “Get a good look?”
“Aye.” He swallowed. “’Tis most unseemly, lass.” He shook his head, gaze still glued to her ass.
“They’re called jeans.” She pivoted to face him. “Are you for real?”
He met her gaze, his answer falling from his lips in a deep, rich brogue with trilling r’s that curled her toes, “Aye, lass, I’m real.”
Cassie’s heart hiccupped. Of course he’s real. Unless those shots were stronger than I thought. “Were you at the whisky tasting?”
“Whisky?” His green-gold eyes lit with interest. “Do ye have whisky for me, then? I could use a wee dram. Be a good lass and fetch it for me.”
“Ha! I think you’ve had enough, mister. Is that how you ended up stuck in there?” Even as she said this, Cassie doubted it. She didn’t smell a hint of alcohol on him, though she did pick up other pleasant smells. Mint and clove and man and . . . Stop being ridiculous.
His broad shoulders lifted and dropped. “I dinna ken.” “How long were you in there?”
Another shrug.
Cassie dragged her attention away from the wide curve of his shoulders and leaned past him, inspecting the dark, narrow space behind the bookshelf.
He grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, panic edg- ing his voice. “Nay, lass. Doona be going in there.”
“Why not?” She inched forward and tried to get a better look.
“It canna be safe.” He tugged on her wrist again, his fingers warm and firm.
Tiny butterflies danced along the path where his skin touched hers. She brushed away the tingling sensation and slipped out of his grip, careful not to snag her bracelet. “Well, you were in there, and you appear to have man- aged.”
“Are ye daft, wench? I was trapped!”
She sniffed, not sure she liked being referred to as a wench, and frowned up at him. “What’s the last thing you remember?”
He closed his eyes and slumped against the shelf. “I canna recall anything afore the moment I woke to find myself crammed within yonder wall.” He blinked and fo- cused intently on her. “The moment I found you, lass.”
Cassie decided she liked being called lass much better than wench, especially when he was looking at her like that. Gazes locked, her other senses sharpened, heightening her awareness of his body and its proximity to hers. She cleared her throat. “Hm. I think it’d be more accurate to say I’m the one who found you.” Telling herself she was only searching for injuries, she reached up and tentatively skimmed her palms along his temples, her fingers trailing his scalp.
“Looking for devil’s horns?” The man cocked one wicked brow at her as he raised his arms to mirror her movements, running his hands over her head and shoulders before brushing his palms down her back. “Ye’ve naught got any fairy wings, so I’d say we’re even. In fact,” he whispered against her hair, standing so close the low burr of his voice became a purr in her own chest, “ye feel perfect to me.”
Like the migrating monarchs her dad studied, the butterflies made a return trip, enveloping her in a fluttery haze. She shivered. Whether it was the Scot or the scotch or both, Cassie didn’t care. He was here and she was here, and damn it all, it was about time she skipped to the good stuff. With a forceful mental click, Cassie turned off her brain, tilted her chin up, and caught his mouth with hers.
He made a low sound in the back of his throat, of pro- test or surprise, she wasn’t sure. But then his hands settled at her waist, and he returned the kiss. His mouth was somehow soft and hard at the same time, and when he slipped his tongue between her lips, she felt more light- headed than if she’d downed every shot of whisky that had been on that tasting list.
Cassie rolled her tongue against his, savoring the delicious contact. He met her thrust for thrust, deepening the kiss until she was swept away on a tidal wave of desire. This. This is what I’ve been waiting for. She clung to him, hands gripping his shoulders, swimming in sensation, drowning in it.
A Star Wars junkie and Shakespeare groupie who quotes both Yoda and the Bard with equal aplomb, award-winning author Melonie Johnson—aka #thewritinglush—is a two-time RWA Golden Heart® finalist who loves dark coffee, cheap wine, and expensive beer. And margaritas. And mimosas. And mules. Basically any cocktail that starts with the letter m. She met her future husband in that most romantic of places—the mall—when they were teenagers working in stores across the hall from each other. They went on to live happily ever after in the suburbs of Chicago with two redhead daughters, a dog that’s more like a small horse, and a trio of hermit crabs. After earning her Bachelor of Arts magna cum laude from Loyola University Chicago, Melonie taught high school English and Theatre in the northern Chicago suburbs for several years. Now she writes smart and funny contemporary romance and moonlights as an audiobook narrator under the pseudonym, Evelyn Eibhlin.
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