Saturday, May 6, 2017

Birthday Witch by Billie Dale (Release Blitz)

Release Blitz
Birthday Witch
Billie Dale

May 5th


Birthdays come and go, and once you reach a certain age, they lose their luster, but Shayden Reigh is about to find out just how unique her 40th birthday is.
A civil war rages in the alternate realm of Erigate, and it will come crashing through her door, leading Shayden into the fight of her life. With strong wit and a smart mouth, she prepares to fight. Chosen by the Gods with new magic and an ego driven hot guardian, only she can tip the scale to victory.
The time has come, the Queen is chosen and the Gods have set this single mom on the path to the throne but she must save it first.

Billie grew up and lives somewhere in Indiana, in the smallest of small towns that is not even worth mentioning.  She has 4 children, two dogs, a cat and a husband that deals with a house full of females.
Two of her babies don’t live with her, her sons. The oldest is grown and out on his own, giving her a perfectly wonderful granddaughter with a head full of fiery red hair and the other lives in Nevada with his Dad.  Living at home with her in this craziness are her two daughters.
She spends her time reading, constantly reading. Substitute teaching and being a stay at home Mom. Rooting on her oldest daughter who is a cheerleader and cheering for her youngest daughter who plays everything. Any other free time is spent with her amazingly sexy, tattooed, serious arm porn having husband, who is the best husband on the planet and her best friend.
She loves to live inside the fantasy world that only books can provide. You will find her swimming at the local pool with her friends, having coffee at McDonald’s or burying her nose in the latest book from her favorite authors.

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